
MouthGuards are optional this season but highly recommended.
Although the facemask does prevent dental injuries, it is still recommended that all players who play hockey wear an internal mouthguard. Dental injuries still occur despite the use of a facemask. Properly fitted mouthguards have been shown to significantly reduce dental and oral injuries in hockey.  

HEO Minor Risk and Safety Adopted Policies including the following:

  • code to acceptable online behaviour
  • Rowan's Law
  • Overage player request form
  • Skill development program policy 

Respect in Sports Online Course (formerly known as the Speak Out course)

For volunteers:  All volunteers must complete the Respect in Sports (version for Activity Leaders) as part of their requirments.  

For parents:  All U7 (IP) players and U9 (Novice) players must have one parent or guardian complete the Respect in Sports Parent version.  Also, any player who is new to hockey Canada at any level (U11 Atom and up) must also have one parent or guardian complete the Respect in Sports Parent version. (This is a new requirment as of 2015)

NOTE - The Respect in Sport Parent Program differs from the Respect in Sport Leader/Coach Program. Therefore parents that have taken the Leader/Coach Program must still take the Parent Program if their player is IP or Novice or new to hockey in Canada at any level. (This requirment was introduced in 2015)

Injuries and Return to Play Forms: HEO Minor Hockey Forms | HEO

HEO Risk and Safety Policies