

The Canterbury Hockey Association operates entirely through the efforts of Volunteers. 
Without them, our young hockey players would not have the opportunity to participate in the Hockey Programs that are offered by Canterbury Minor Hockey Association.

The more involvement we have, the stronger our Association is and the better the hockey experience will be for players and parents alike. We encourage you to take an active role in CHA by volunteering for one of the positions available.  

Are you interested in volunteering with a team? For more information: volunteer information and requirements  

Are you interested in volunteering at the association level?   See the 'Meet the Executive' web page for opportunities to volunteer at the Association level. 

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who are the very heart of minor hockey.
​Speak to any current board member for friendly advice to help you to find the right fit for you.  The role you take at any point in your life will be most enjoyable if it fits with your interests, time, talent, and family values.  At CHA, some of our fundamental values include: hockey development, fun, safety, community, and sportsmanship:  join our team if you are like-minded!